Our Curriculum...
This experience will focus on each child’s special attributes and getting to know their new friends.
Dinosaurs and Volcanoes
This experience will focus on dinosaurs, their names, habitats, and behaviors.
Letters and Numbers
Letter: A
Number: 0
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Myself and My Family/Nutrition
This experience will focus on each child's special attributes. Diversity make us strong and we are all the same yet, we are uniquely different. We will also focus on nutrition and staying healthy.
Letters, Numbers, Colors and Shapes
Letters: B, C and D
Number: 1
Color: Red
Shape: Circle
Nursery Rhyme
Jack and Jill
Night Time-Day Time/Fire Safety
We will focus on "things that go bump in the night" (fears). Nocturnal animals and Halloween will be a part of this unit.
We will discuss the differences between day and night.
We will also focus on Fire Safety.
Letters, Numbers, Colors and Shapes
Letters: E, F and G
Number: 2
Colors: Orange and Black
Shape: Triangle
Nursery Rhyme
Little Miss Muffett
Native Americans, Harvest, & Thanksgiving
This experience will focus on the changes we see in the fall and appropriate information concerning the special people that lived on this land before the Pilgrims arrived.
Letters, Numbers, Colors and Shapes
Letters: H, I and J
Number: 3
Colors: Brown & Yellow
Shape: Square
Nursery Rhyme
Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater
Winter Holidays
This experience will focus on the different ways that people celebrate this time of the year.
Letters, Numbers, Colors and Shapes
Letters: K and L
Number: 4
Colors: Green
Shape: Star
Nursery Rhyme
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Authors and Illustrators (Dr. Seuss, Richard Scarry, Eric Carle, and Leo Lionni)
This experience will focus on the different methods and materials these authors use to illustrate their books. Different parts of the books will be discussed, including the title page, table of contents, cover, front/back, etc. We will demonstrate how to hold a book and turn the pages. Other facets of the stories that are characteristic of the author will be discussed.
Letters, Numbers, Colors and Shapes
Letters: M, N and O
Number: 5
Colors: Blue
Shape: Rectangle
Nursery Rhyme
Three Little Kittens
Pets & Valentine’s Day
This experience will focus on animals that make good pets. The children can bring pictures of their pets for a bulletin board. Visitors with trained pets will be invited to share their pets. We will emphasize how to care for a pet. Valentine’s Day is about friendship. We will discuss how to treat a friend. What being a friend means, "sharing and caring."
Letters, Numbers, Colors and Shapes
Letters: P, Q and R
Number: 6
Colors: All shades of Red and Pink
Shape: Heart
Nursery Rhyme
Hey Diddle Diddle or Old Mother Hubbard
Reptiles & Amphibians/St. Patrick's Day
This experience will focus on the characteristics of reptiles and amphibians and their value to our environment.
We will also focus on the traditions of St. Patrick's Day.
Letters, Numbers, Colors and Shapes
Letters: S, T and U
Number: 7
Colors: All shades of Green
Shape: Octagon
Nursery Rhyme
Little Boy Blue or Little Bo Peep
The Zoo/Farm Animals
This experience will focus on animals that can be seen in a zoo emphasizing the characteristics of each animal’s habitat in the wild.
We will focus on the differences between zoo animals and farm animals.
Letters, Numbers, Colors and Shapes
Letters: V and W
Number: 8
Colors: Purple
Shape: Hexagon
Nursery Rhyme
Humpty Dumpty
Spring, May Day, Plants, Flowers, & Insects
This experience will focus on the changes of spring, growing plants, and the insects that help our gardens. Many times children want to kill insects. This unit will help them to understand the importance of insects and their value to our environment.
Letters, Numbers, Colors and Shapes
Letters: X and Y
Number: 9
Color: Rainbow
Shape: Pentagon
Nursery Rhyme
Hickory Dickory Dock
Beach & Ocean Life
This experience will focus on visits to the beach and the animals and plants that live in the ocean.
Letters and Shapes
Letters: Z
Number: 10
Shape: Oval
Nursery Rhyme
Wee Willie Winkie
Florida, the State We Live In and Outer Space
This experience will focus on our State animals and places that the children have and might visit during their vacations. We will discuss outer space, the planets, astronauts and other topics dealing with space exploration.